Get noticed

3 Unconventional ways to get noticed in the interview

At the end of the day, you and I both get hired, fired or promoted based not on how awesome we think we are – but based on what other people think, as I talk about in ‘The Con Job’. Rather than thinking about how you can self-promote, today we’ll be looking at unorthodox, yet crucial ways to use other people’s words when talking about yourself in a situation like an interview. 

By the end of this video, you’ll have 3 unconventional ways to get noticed, not for how you talk about yourself, but revolutionarily, only by using what other people say about you! And if you stay to the end, you’ll hear how humility, not a word we often associate with interviews, actually paid far bigger dividends for one of my clients than any self-important spiel he could have given. So let’s get to it!

Watch the video on our Youtube channel

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