⭐️ The Peak Resilience Accelerator programme kicks off September 23rd 2024 ⭐️
Are you ready to conquer your current challenges, rise to new heights, and blaze a trail in your STEM career? Our programme is tailored to address your unique needs, whether it’s embracing your imperfections, amplifying your impact, or reclaiming your work-life balance. Become the authentic, confident, and empowered leader you’re destined to be, and join a group of other highly qualified women in STEM as we take on this transformational ride towards a brighter, more impactful future. Let’s rewrite the narrative, together! Learn more about the Peak Resilience Accelerator programme for women in STEM £1595 per person – ideal for groups of five, or organisations! Please note that the number of hours covers only the live coaching with Suzanne Doyle-Morris, and does not include self-study or app-focused work.