To use a term I frequently heard in my earlier technology career, we all have to ‘pivot’ in our lives at various times. Like you, no doubt, I’ve pivoted many times. I’ve pivoted from working in the US to the UK, from academia to starting my own business, from face to face to online presentations.
Your pivots may have been based on new roles, new locations and even new changes we might want to bring into our life. Most recently, I’ve pivoted and changed the name of the ‘Confidence Catalyst’ programme that worked well for women when I first started it in 2023.
Change is Coming
Feedback is a gift, and based on the feedback they gave, my previously named ‘Confidence Catalyst’ programme is now running under the new name: ‘Peak Resilience Accelerator’. When you break down every one of my executive client sessions over the last 20 years, resilience is the core skill they have all benefited from growing – so it recentering the programme around this gift makes sense.
What’s the Difference Between Resilience and Confidence?
When I looked at all the individual feedback I’d received, my clients indeed had more confidence. However, when I drilled down further, that feeling came from a sense that they could not only get through challenges but that they could thrive, even when faced with difficult situations. As one marketing leader in a STEM organisation reflected: ‘I went into this thinking it was all about confidence, but it was so much more than that!’
Participants were stronger and could find ‘the gift’ within an initial bad experience. This is the core of resilience; that you can get through the tough times as well as make the most of the good days. Turning around how they felt about ‘bad news’ or tough situations is indeed a mental ‘pivot’ of its own!
The course meant these mental shifts happened faster for participants who would traditionally ruminate and continue to doubt themselves for far longer. Another participant from a different tech employer remarked: ‘It’s helped me move from tolerating difficult situations to learning from them faster, and then turning them around quicker.’
This extra mental load is a waste of time; and indeed, several clients mentioned how much more productive they were simply because they weren’t spending so much mental energy on negativity and the voices their inner ‘saboteurs’ were whispering into their ears.
Calling All STEM Professionals!
So, all of this to say that recentering resilience at the core of my coaching seemed like the best move not just for me, but for all of my clients. The contents of the course and it’s outcomes will remain the same, so I hope you will continue to join me on this journey!
Curious about which are your loudest saboteurs? Take this free short assessment that all of my ‘Peak Resilience Accelerator’ clients use. If you’re interested in hosting a group with me in your organisation, get in touch: .