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How resilient people deal with bosses who never give praise

Sometimes bosses never give praise. Annoying, I know! It’s not great practice as a manager, but it’s a fact of life for many. Resilient people know that while these leaders will never win ‘boss of the year’. Contents However, there are ways to work around them and get the recognition you deserve elsewhere. 1. Bad bosses […]

How resilient people deal with bosses who never give praise Read More »

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How a resilient person moves past labels no longer serving them

We often get our first labels as children; something a resilient person has to challenge as they grow into the professional they want to be. As a child, you may have been ‘the smart one’ `and your brother, ‘the naughty one’. While given as children these labels often stick around far longer than they should.

How a resilient person moves past labels no longer serving them Read More »

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When not to take on projects and how to create boundaries at work

One of the things I routinely do with my coaching clients is to help them create boundaries at work. This can be around the type of people they spend time with at work, what they need to delegate, protecting their own mental health, or their sense of self. Contents All are great reasons to create boundaries at

When not to take on projects and how to create boundaries at work Read More »

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How to engage office idiots who steal your ideas

Most successful women have to deal with ‘office idiots’ – perhaps more than one if you’re unlucky. When they steal your ideas, undermine you or call you ‘emotional’, that makes even a great job unbearable. There are 3 things you can do to stop them in their tracks.  Not surprisingly, those who claimed credit for

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Go deep into stories for the most impact in your office communication

Meeting a new person at work, at a networking event or at an interview can be a challenge. But this vital piece of office communication is easier if you go ‘deep’, even from the first ‘How are you?’.  Contents When I wrote Beyond the Boys’ Club I was reminded of this when I first met Eileen Brown.

Go deep into stories for the most impact in your office communication Read More »

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