In the Peak Resilience Accelerator workshop, we discuss which of the tools we are learning work particularly well for the participants. These group discussions are vital for the women leaders who attend; hearing what’s working for others can help them triangulate their findings and discover new ways they could use these skills. It’s a big part of why we are getting such great reviews from attendees.
Rely On the You of the Future
In one of these discussions, Stella said she was getting a lot of usage out of the ‘Navigate’ tool we practice. This exercise taps into the mindset of your ‘older, wiser self.’ It involves considering how an older, more detached version of yourself would want to look back on a particular moment or challenge you are going through. Stella said she would want to remember how she, as a mother, handled the challenge of consoling her daughter, Sarah, through her first heartbreak. A first break up is a painful but important memory virtually all women can relate to.
It was important for Stella, and women leaders like her who are often also mothers, to look back at this painful moment with pride. For her, it was vital to remember that she’d been there for Sarah during these painful months in a way they’d both value when her daughter was an adult in years to come. Stella spoke of her teen’s heartbreak, and how she wanted in a decades time to remind her teenager how they had got through this period together. Indeed, how much better off her daughter now was all these years in the future!
The Gift That Keeps Giving
Even better, Stella was now using the ‘older, wiser self tool’ to ask her daughter insightful questions.
Using the tools she was gaining from our programme, Stella was coaching her daughter in the same way. Not every conversation would be perfect or easy; however, using this tool meant Stella could move Sarah past the hurt to consider what she would want to remember from this heartbreak, and what she had learned from this experience.
Transferable Skills
Clients like Stella are often surprised that, while Peak Resilience Accelerator often focuses on your professional life, the lessons within can benefit all other aspects of your life, including friends and family. This is particularly useful for busy women leaders, which most of my clients are. Learning that this course can impact many facets of their full lives is hugely valuable, as these women don’t have time to waste. Plus, they get to model their lessons for those around them – a win/win for anyone.
If you think this kind of mental rewiring is something you could benefit from, keep an eye out for my next round of Peak Resilience Accelerator sessions! Or get in contact for some executive coaching sessions, or a webinar talk.