
man and woman sat at table having a tough conversation

Reframing Perspectives with the Peak Resilience Accelerator

I was recently speaking with Jennifer, a senior woman in tech who has been participating in my Peak Resilience Accelerator programme, a course that provides coaching for women leaders. Her mental reframe over the duration of the programme was notable, and one I’ve recognised in many of my clients; it may be useful to you […]

Reframing Perspectives with the Peak Resilience Accelerator Read More »

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How this leadership training technique breaks negative assumptions

As a work coach, many of my clients are conscientious and logical. This can mean they are sometimes slow to make rapid-fire remarks in meetings. The leadership training technique of reflective thinking is a great attribute – and particularly vital for women in STEM. They like to think things through, particularly as they are often

How this leadership training technique breaks negative assumptions Read More »

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Successful business women use this perspective shifting method to reduce anxiety

As a work coach, specialising in working with women in male-dominated fields like STEM, I was reminded recently to think about the ‘gifts’ that age bestows no matter how old you are. Successful business women use the ‘ageing yourself’ technique to shift their perspective and as a result reduce anxiety. It was timely, as for my recent birthday, I had to

Successful business women use this perspective shifting method to reduce anxiety Read More »

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How to go younger for a fresh perspective

Helping clients take the perspective of their older self is a key tool I use as a work coach, primarily for women in STEM – and it’s one you can use too. Changing your perspective to remember your younger self can also work miracles. This is something I’ve seen work like magic when, as a

How to go younger for a fresh perspective Read More »

Successful women in meeting

How to coach confidence into teammates to improve your personal leadership

You likely want to reduce your workload and grow the talent around you. That’s part of any professional’s personal leadership journey. Who doesn’t want the time back that they spend advising people and giving orders. This is particularly important for people you know are perfectly competent, but perhaps lack confidence?  Make the switch to being a’coaching manager’

How to coach confidence into teammates to improve your personal leadership Read More »

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