Gender pay gap

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When not to take on projects and how to create boundaries at work

One of the things I routinely do with my coaching clients is to help them create boundaries at work. This can be around the type of people they spend time with at work, what they need to delegate, protecting their own mental health, or their sense of self. Contents All are great reasons to create boundaries at […]

When not to take on projects and how to create boundaries at work Read More »

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How to take risks to develop professionally and personally

Career improvement for successful women depends on a willingness to take risks and leave your comfort zone. After all, if your next move isn’t scary, it’s probably not a big enough jump. Contents Here are 3 ways to leave the comfort zone …with a degree of comfort. 1. Embrace risk – leaving your comfort zone is what

How to take risks to develop professionally and personally Read More »

International Women's Day 2023 Embrace Equity

#EmbraceEquity In 2023 To Overcome Imposter Syndrome

What does it mean to truly embrace equity in 2023? Well, to get us all to a level playing field, it means advocating not just for yourself, but for those who sometimes get left behind. Those may be people like me, perhaps people like you? Essentially, it’s almost anyone who sometimes feels like an outsider –

#EmbraceEquity In 2023 To Overcome Imposter Syndrome Read More »

What Personal growth and development success looks like

Career development plan example: Don’t rely on one sponsor for a promotion!

If you have your eye on a promotion this year, start is by thinking about last year. What went well, and more often for the types of self-critical type of professional women I work with – what didn’t! This is a great ‘pause’ to think about what will set you apart for next year – and start planning now. 

Career development plan example: Don’t rely on one sponsor for a promotion! Read More »

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