I recently heard from Rachel, a previous client, who admitted she’d gained more from our sessions when she reflected with me on pasts mistakes rather than when we’d talk about her wins – what Rachel thought we’d focus on when she first came to coaching. It reminded me how useful mistakes are for all of us – but only if we admit them and then make changes to learn from them.
Rachel liked to keep things very ‘professional’ and always had a very transactional relationship with her direct reports, but found she got far more engagement when she treated them as whole beings – vital now that everyone is a home-worker! Rachel told me ’Seeing who they really were at home was so humbling and valuable to me – regarding people simply as virtual robots, which I’d probably been guilty of, is something I’ll never do again.’
I know I’ve made mistakes and if you’ve made a few (and who hasn’t?) there are ways you can use these stories at work to highlight how much better you now are – a competence first approach that ultimately builds confidence. If this resonates – check out my video below on how to use those past mistakes (i.e. stories!) in conversation as you talk with people about who you are now and what you value.