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Building Bridges: Dialogue Strategies for Women in STEM

At one of the final sessions of my Peak Resilience Accelerator programme for women in STEM, we discussed what participants were taking away from the course. They initially focused on how much more time they wanted to devote to the content and blamed themselves for not taking it all in instantly! I reminded them that […]

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Culture Review in Professional Membership Organisation

Problem: An established professional organisation of nearly 500 members sought to improve their culture. All practitioners in the field had to be accredited members of the organisation. In the light of a rapidly changing marketplace for talent, they sought to better reflect the needs and diversity of those now earning the necessary qualifications to become

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Empowering Resilience: Breaking Free from the Victim Mentality

In my Peak Resilience Accelerator programme, we are working with Positive Intelligence® to uncover our ‘gremlins.’ Find out which inner saboteurs are holding you back here. This week, I’m looking at the Victim gremlin, and how breaking free from victim mentality can help to cultivate resilience. Learn to shift focus from internal pain to personal growth and empowerment! The

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women leaders

Breaking Hierarchical Barriers and Shifting Mindsets for Women Leaders

In the Peak Resilience Accelerator programme, we talk a lot about ‘judges.’ Those voices every human hears that rear their heads more often than they should. It is the voice of self-doubt that tells us we aren’t worthy, we are wrong, the things we do or say are stupid. I’ve got one and, unfortunately, so

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Balancing Logic and Emotion: Building Meaningful Connections

In my Peak Resilience Accelerator programme, we are working with Positive Intelligence® to uncover our ‘gremlins.’ Find out which inner saboteurs are holding you back here. This week, I’m looking at the Hyper-Rational gremlin, and how we can learn to understand the impact of hyper-rationality on relationships and learn to become skilled at balancing logic and emotion. It’s time to enhance

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